Monday, October 1, 2012

#1-5 (Now Complete!)

To get this out of the way, the reason I posted this on my old blog is because it contains the thoughts and feelings of my Grade 8-9 self. I don't know if you'll ever look at my other stuff, but I find it interesting to look at myself two years ago, because although this person is technically the same person as me, the High School experience really has made me into a different person. So if you're interested in checking out you may, since I never post there anymore.

#1: I feel like this could only be used after an event like challenge day, or even if the death of a student occurs in the years ahead. This can only be done if people take it seriously, and during a time when the atmosphere of the school is conducive to an experiment like this.

#2: You realize that there is no video embedded, so I can't respond to something that isn't there. If it's the educational TEDtalk we saw in class a few days ago, I'd love to see more stuff like that. It reminded me about everything I dislike about public schools when compared to Waldorf education. The individuality that is constantly preached as well as the break-up of the constant monotony that public education stumbles into is what sets Waldorf education apart.

#3: For thanksgiving I would be glad to take in a Turkey from our farm for those to gawk and marvel at. The only problem would be poo, so it we would have to have newspapers. We may be able to provide food if anyone wants to do a turkey dinner.

#4: I think that during challenge day, in order to get people when we have vacancies, we should compile a list of possible candidates beforehand in order to make fill them as quickly as possible. We shouldn't necessarily have people who really want to go, but people who need to go. I think we should have homeroom teachers nominate one or two students who didn't go last year who would get something from the experience. That way, we have a wide spectrum of students participating from all facets of the IDCI population.

To Waldorf,

It's been awhile since we've been together, but I still think about you everyday. The school I'm at now is pretty different, but it really makes me appreciate the differences in your teaching. It shows me that the tiny details (such as the walls for the halls and bathrooms being painted bright, friendly colours) help create an environment which appreciates individuality and creativity. I thank you for the balance between academics, phys-ed, and art that you provided, compared to a system which barely lets art and creativity into classrooms. Thank you for continuing to inspire me with the values, creativity, and love of the world you instilled in me.

The Very Best,


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